Don’t Let Them Tell You Different: Your Inner Beauty Is Undefinable

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Written By JohnBarnes

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Defining beauty isn’t easy. In fact, for every culture, it means something slightly different. A tribe in Africa treats female beauty to mean a curvy, voluptuous woman, while society in America wants their women to be thin as nails. As different as priorities and perspectives of outer beauty in each culture may be, one thing is the same – inner beauty stems from confidence, inner peace and a positive mindset.

Inner beauty isn’t about the face you want to have or attaining the body you’ve always dreamed of having; it’s about being happy with what you already have. Don’t you love your petite nose, slanted eyes, or dimples? If not, you should because true outer beauty begins and ends with true inner beauty. Love yourself – and all of your many unique qualities – and as a result look beautiful to the rest of the world, too.

Inner Beauty Stems From Confidence

When you feel good inside, you look good on the outside. Has a co-worker on Monday morning every remarked on your “glow” after having a relaxing weekend away from work and your many work-related responsibilities? It wasn’t their imagination. Your “glow” arose from rosy skin, and a relaxed vibe from the stress-free couple of days away from the office. And when that happens, you radiate a new, happier self. Like magic, you’ve gotten more attractive to each and every person you meet, and all thanks to an inner beauty, due to acceptance and confidence that translates to your outer self.

Inner Beauty Stems From Inner Peace

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Despite what you may think, you’re not your most beautiful when you’ve just had your hair professional done, or when you’ve just treated yourself to buying a designer dress to wear out for the night. You don’t look your best when you spend hours putting on make-up or only after working off that recent weight you gained last month.

Instead, you look your best when you’re at peace with who you are, and where you are in life. Western culture has told us many things about beauty, all of which suggests that in order to be our most beautiful self we must weight this amount (no more, no less!), buy this cream, inject this anti-aging laser treatment, or show up wearing these designer brand of shoes. However, we don’t need to fulfill society’s silly standards of beauty. Instead, we can create our own.

Inner beauty isn’t so easy to attain, because one of the key aspects of achieving it is first achieving inner peace. Are you feeling at ease about yourself, or uncomfortable in your skin? True inner peace (not some flittering thought, but a constant state of calm and peace about yourself) can come in many forms such as accepting your “flaws” as part of what makes you, you. It can come in the form of liking who you see in the mirror (no matter how much you want to change). It can be knowing yourself inside and out; believing in yourself and your dreams, and never letting anyone else tell you who and what you’re capable of. Are you feeling at peace about who you are, and what you’re here to do? That inner peace will undoubtedly shine through in your skin, your smile, and even the way you walk.

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In addition, your inner beauty will send a vibe to all those you meet that you’re positive, happy and peaceful about yourself and the world. And who wouldn’t be attracted to that?

Inner Beauty is Attainable With the Right Mindset

Anything you want in life can be achieved with the right mindset, and when you have the right mindset, you’ll always exude beauty. If you’ve ever felt empowered after writing a short story, gave a speech to others who felt moved by what you had to say, or felt as though you are unstoppable after running a marathon, that’s the power of your mind at work.

Inner beauty comes from many sources, but one of the quickest ways to feel good about yourself and everything you stand for is through a positive, clear way of thinking. Love who you are, and your beauty will always follow.