Stitch Fix’s Guide to Sustainable Clothing Brands

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Written By JohnBarnes

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Stitch Fix believes that we can make the changes we desire. We are committed to working with sustainable clothing brands. To make a positive contribution to Mother Nature, our sustainability goals keep us focused on our purpose. Many of the companies that we work with prioritize social and environmental responsibility throughout the life of a garment. It all starts with ethical supply chains and ends with a greener planet.

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It’s not possible for brands to achieve sustainability in a single day. It takes a series of small, but significant steps. And there is still much work to be done in the entire industry. Some fashion brands are rising to the occasion. These companies are putting their fashionable feet forward to help make the planet a better and more joyful place.

What does it mean to be a sustainable clothing brand?

An environmentally-friendly clothing brand aims to make a positive impact on the environment, animals and people. Stitch Fix partners with brands that use sustainable products, responsibly produce their goods, and give back in small and large ways. There are many sustainable materials available, from organic cotton to recycled polyester. Responsible companies treat their workers with respect, and make a positive impact on the community. There are many ways to give back. Many companies around the world reinvest in people, planet and other causes. These “give back” businesses make a huge difference by donating a portion of their profits to charities or establishing recycling programs. It’s a great way for you to stand out in fashion by wearing sustainable clothing.

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Steps Sustainable Clothing Brands Can Take To Lower Their Environmental Impact

Did you know that it takes 1,800 gallons to make a pair of jeans? Multiply this by the number jeans in your closet. Don’t worry. Our cheeks were also red when we did the math. A growing number of sustainable clothing brands are making significant improvements to Mother Nature’s environment by analysing their carbon footprints.

These companies are committed to the beauty of the R’s Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 1822 Denim offers a line of jeans made with 30% recycled plastic bottles and 100% recycled water. BedHead Pajamas declared their love for organic materials and pledged to make all of its sleepwear from organically-grown cotton by April 2020. KanCan denim, a brand that makes jeans, has stopped using non-eco friendly dyes and has reduced their water consumption.

Recycled materials are a good option

Recycled polyester is being used by many more sustainable clothing brands as an eco-friendly option to virgin polyester. Existing plastic is a better alternative to creating artificial materials. One example is to shred plastic bottles and melt them into pellets for yarn. A new garment can be made with this yarn. Fascinating, right?

Girlfriend Collective

Girlfriend Collective is an ethically-made activewear company that claims to be the planet’s most loved brand. They recycle plastic water bottles and make clothes from them. They also use recycled plastic to make bras, leggings, and shorts from fishing nets and other old waste. With confidence knowing that you are supporting a greater cause, you can wear the comfiest trend this season, women’s loungewear. Fun fact: Each pair of leggings is made from 25 recycled postconsumer bottles. Otherwise, they would have ended up in landfills. Bravo, Girlfriend Collective.

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BLANK NYC is a Manhattan-based denim brand that uses pre-consumer recycled Cotton. This represents a huge opportunity for the apparel sector as it allows you to repurpose manufacturing waste including trimmings and scraps. This process saves water and reduces chemical exposure.

Choose organic and eco-responsible materials

Organic materials are similar to organic produce in your local grocery shop. What are the advantages? Both are free of pesticides and synthetic substances, which is good for the soil and safe for farmers. We must remember our beautiful planet. Organic cotton generally has the lowest environmental impact among all types of cotton. Organic and eco-responsible material produce lower emissions and water impacts, which helps keep our planet safe. This is a win-win situation in our books.

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Thread & Supply

Although organic cotton is the preferred option for many sustainable clothing brands, it is not the only sustainable option. Thread & Supply is well-known for its cozy closet staples but also uses a variety of eco-conscious materials. TENCEL(tm), a fabric made from sustainable, natural raw material wood is one of their many options. It’s soft, breathable and wrinkle-resistant–it gets an A+ for traveling in a suitcase to a hot and humid destination.

Reduce water consumption

We are taught from a young age to take shorter showers, turn off the water when we brush our teeth, and to use the tap less often. Sustainable clothing brands are now joining our efforts to conserve water. These small changes can have a significant positive impact, it’s obvious. Are you curious about what bigger companies are doing to make the world a better place? We are proud to present a few Stitch Fix brands making big water conservation efforts.

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Kut from Kloth

How many gallons of water are required to make one pair of jeans? Kut from Kloth is a household name and denim expert who uses e-Flow technology to reduce their water consumption by up to 95%. This technology uses air to wash denim with no discharge.