Know Your Identity – Are You a Worshipper Or an Entertainer in the Body of Christ?

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Written By JohnBarnes

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Are we experiencing an identity crisis within the Body of Christ? Are we true worshippers of God or are we entertainers for the world? Is it okay to entertain people in order to get their attention about the Word of God? Before I address these questions, I would like to give a definition of worship and entertainment. This will enable us to be able to identify ourselves. Worship is an expression of love and devotion toward our heavenly Father. Entertainment is an activity designed to give people pleasure or relaxation. Entertainment is anything that causes enjoyment. According to both definitions, worship is clearly God-centered and entertainment is man-centered. When we worship, our main focus should be to praise, honor, exalt, and please God. Entertainment is basically an avenue used to amuse or give pleasure to our own flesh and others. Worship and entertainment are direct opponents within the Body of Christ. The worshipper wants to praise and honor God; but, the entertainer wants to be exalted and please others. Which one are you?

A true worshipper is a child of God who strives to live a lifestyle of obedience according to the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is the center of our worship and also orchestrates our worship (1 Corinthians 14:40). Through His Word, we have been given clear instructions on how we should worship Him. A worshipper knows that he or she must be a believer in Christ in order to worship God. A worshipper knows that God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). All worshippers’ hearts should be focused on pleasing God in their thoughts and their actions. Every worship experience is for the pleasure of God, not for man. Please do not misunderstand; worshipping God should be a joyous occasion for the believer. We can worship Him through musical instruments, song, and prayer. We must learn that emotions are not the main focus or incentive to worship; but God is the center of attention. A true worshipper praises and honors God because He is worthy of all that we have to offer and it is a commandment for His people (Exodus 20:3). True worship keeps us focus on the sovereignty of God and our eternal gratitude for His perfect expression of love for us through Jesus Christ.

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An entertainer in the Body of Christ is someone who does not understand or does not care that God is the main focus of worship. They have the impression that in order to get people to listen to the gospel; you have to provide entertainment to keep them coming back to church services. An entertainer thinks that they are to “get something out” of worship and feel good during and after the process. The first mistake with this mindset is thinking that worship is about you. The Spirit of the Lord is the author, leader and center of our faith and worship, not the flesh (Colossians 1:16-17). The Word of God does not need the aid of gimmicks or theatrics. Jesus stated that His people will hear His voice and follow His instructions (John 10:27). Entertainment will attract great numbers concerning people in worship services; but, will take the focus off God. When people come to worship services for entertainment, they will always seek the next big gimmick or show. Once they are no longer amused, they will go elsewhere to seek entertainment. Fun and games in worship service will never reach or sustain anyone. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit changes people’ lives (Proverbs 3:5). Entertainment is an event that stimulates our emotions; but, the Spirit of the Lord will sustain and cultivate us in our Christian walk.

We have taken a look at the man in the mirror concerning worship and entertainment. Can you see yourself? Are you are worshipper or an entertainer? Hopefully, we have arrived at a truthful answer. Worship is not an entertainment event; but a long-term commitment. The entire life of the believer is a worship experience. We should live our lives as a “light” to a lost world that will continually bring praise and honor to our heavenly Father. Remember, worship is not a short-term event to entertain man; but, a lifetime commitment to the glory of God (Isaiah 26:4).

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