7 Out of 10 Don’t Know the Consequences of Sedentary Lifestyle

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Written By JohnBarnes

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After chatting with few friends I realized that 7 out of 10 don’t know the consequences of sedentary lifestyle. In fact most didn’t know their lifestyle, I wasn’t surprised. Even I didn’t know until few years ago, so busy with the career that nothing came to my mind, I was racing like a headless chicken.

Read the below report, it will certainly wake you up.

In a study conducted recently on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the city among 4254 respondents over a period of three years, it was revealed that 73% of them had a high risk of contracting CVD. The study revealed that 54% of respondents in Chandigarh were obese and 6% reported to have high risk cholesterol levels.

45% of Chandigarh respondents reported to consume fried foods and 41% reported to consume preserved/processed foods at least two times in a week. Moreover, 65% of them were guilty of consuming two or less servings of fibre rich whole grains in their diet. Analyzing the physical activity of Chandigarh participants revealed that 62% of them exercised thrice a week or less.

The study also noted that 43% of respondents from Chandigarh had low levels of the heart protective HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol. 10% of them reported feeling drained four times or more in a week.

The study revealed a shocking large difference between the heart age and the chronological age beginning at 30 years with a noticeable peak observed in the 40’s. Due to the presence of maximum systemic and lifestyle risk factors, respondents in the 30-44 age group showed heightened CVD risk.

Lifestyle factors have also contributed to increase in CVD risk that includes increase in consumption of fried and processed foods. Among the people who consume processed foods 61% belong to the 30-44 age group while. Among the people who consume fried foods 63% belong to the 30-44 age group.

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Madhu Arora, chief dietician, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh stated, “Diet has undergone major changes depending on convenience. Preference for processed and preserved foods and fried foods has gone up noticeably. High dependence on the same and a menu devoid of vegetables, fruits and whole grains will only make people more vulnerable to CVD.”

Dr. HK Bali, Director Cardiology, Fortis Hospital Mohali said, “Sedentary lifestyle, stressful work conditions and compromised diet are leading factors in precipitating heart disease risk. This has affected the heart health of the young work force in the 30 – 44 age group.”- Source – Times of India

So, how do you change your lifestyle from sedentary to active? It is very simple, just bring some awareness and start living in the present moment. Most of the time we either live in the past or in the future which is sheer waste of the beautiful gift “present”.

And in the present moment bring all your focus onto 3 important things of your life.

1. You
2. Your family
3. Your lifestyle

And watch the gradual shift in your life.

Also grab a free copy of my e-book “Lifestyle” by visiting my website. This 15 page book will certainly help you begin your journey of active lifestyle.


Goodbye for now. Talk to you soon.

